First Trimester of Pregnancy: Managing Nutrition Requirements & Exercise Routines

The first few months of pregnancy are crucial. The expecting mothers often go through episodes of panic and anxiety. While it is standard, specific lifestyle patterns and habit changes benefit this lovely journey.

A diet rich in nutrients, vitamins, and fiber and following an exercise routine aids a healthy and smooth pregnancy. Getting proper guidance from a certified nutrition coach can also help you gain valuable insights. This blog has highlighted the importance of good nutrition and movement and how it can benefit expecting mothers in their first trimester. 

What to include in your diet

Pregnant women often complain about nausea and vomiting, bloating, tiredness, and excessive mood swings. Loss of appetite is also common within the first few months of pregnancy. However, not eating properly can adversely affect the health of the mother and child. This section will discuss certain foods that must be included in your diet.

1.Consume food rich in folate:

Pregnant women are frequently prescribed folic acid pills and other supplements throughout the first several months of their pregnancy. To protect the unborn kid from neural tube abnormalities, this is imperative. Folic acid is referred to as folate in food. You should incorporate These great folate sources into your regular diet.

  • Oats, cornflakes, and whole wheat bread make for a fortified breakfast and should be consumed by you. 

  • Green leaves like fenugreek leaves, radish leaves, coriander leaves, pudina leaves

  • Vegetables such as broccoli, beans, cabbage, carrot, cauliflower 

  • Fruits such as orange, berries, guava, etc.

  • Dry fruits such as walnuts, almonds, peanuts, etc. 

2. Make sure to eat an iron-rich diet:

Because iron affects the development of red blood cells, it is an essential mineral to consume throughout pregnancy. Iron-rich foods should be a part of the diet since the blood volume increases during the first few months of pregnancy. You should incorporate these great iron sources into your everyday diet.

  • Veggies such as beans, green vegetables, and beets

  • Cereals with added iron for breakfast

  • Prune Juice

  • Chicken, beef, and sheep liver, which is high in iron when consumed in moderation 

  • Dried beans, such as white, black, red, and kidney beans

  • Pumpkin seeds and other similar sources. 

3. Vitamin C is a must:

Vitamin C makes sure that the body absorbs iron well. Some rich sources of Vitamin C are spinach, broccoli, tomatoes, citrus fruits, etc. 

4. Vitamin B6 really helps:

This vitamin helps reduce nausea and vomiting, which makes it essential during the first few months of pregnancy. It is always possible to get this vitamin from food by consuming items like soy, sunflower seeds, flax seeds, pumpkin seeds, tuna fish, and hazelnuts.

5. Fruits should top your list:

Fruits are high in water content, vitamins, minerals, and dietary fiber–expectant mothers should eat a lot of them—moreover, fruits aid in preventing constipation during pregnancy.

6. Eggs and poultry: 

For expectant mothers, eggs are an excellent source of fat and protein. They also have trace amounts of folate in them.

However, if you have a history of any allergies to any food items, make sure to communicate with your certified nutrition coach effectively. 

Exercise routines to follow:

Staying healthy and fit during pregnancy benefits both the baby and the mother. During the first few months of pregnancy, frequent exercise is as vital as eating a nutritious diet. The body will go through a lot of changes at this time, and women frequently experience nausea and exhaustion.

They will want to avoid working out. Hormonal fluctuations can also cause symptoms like cramping, shortness of breath, dizziness, and frequent urination.

However, exercising during the first few months of pregnancy is safe and may help alleviate some pregnancy symptoms. Concentrate on physical activities that promote flexibility, strength, and endurance, such as swimming, brisk walking, yoga, lunges, squats, and pelvic tilts.

Exercise is beneficial throughout the first few months of pregnancy, but care must be taken to ensure that it doesn't impose undue strain on the uterus, pelvic muscles, or lower back. Avoid activities that include jumping, trampoline, and other workouts requiring sudden, bouncy motions is best.

Exercise to do in the first trimester of pregnancy:


Common issues taht pregnant women complain of, especially during the first few months of pregnancy, are lower back pain and balance. Pilates focuses on building core muscles by engaging in equipment and floor exercises. Initial sessions of pilates concentrate on building strength, and the later sessions on improving balance. 

Pilates, when performed under the guidance of an experienced professional, can help one with movement and relaxation of tightened muscles, too. 

2. Walking:

Walking is a gentle yet powerful exercise for expectant mothers during the first trimester of pregnancy. This low-impact activity offers numerous benefits, aiding in maintaining a healthy weight, improving circulation, and alleviating early pregnancy symptoms like nausea and fatigue. Walking promotes cardiovascular health without placing undue stress on joints, making it an accessible option for most pregnant women. As a versatile and adaptable exercise, walking allows moms-to-be to stay active, fostering a foundation for a healthy pregnancy journey.

3. Swimming:

Swimming is a superb exercise for expectant mothers during the first trimester of pregnancy. The buoyancy of water reduces impact on joints, offering a safe and comfortable workout. This low-impact activity helps alleviate early pregnancy discomforts such as nausea and swelling while enhancing cardiovascular fitness. The water's resistance builds strength without straining the body, and the relaxed environment can be refreshing, especially for those experiencing hormonal fluctuations. Swimming also supports improved posture and flexibility, which are crucial during pregnancy.

Frequency of movements & what to avoid

The exercise mentioned above routines are pretty beneficial for expecting mothers, but specific guidelines on frequency and precautions have to be kept in mind:

  • During pilates, pregnant women should not overexert themselves to avoid abdominal pain. It should be done once a week.

  • Make a gradual start with your walking routine. Start with 15 minutes a day, 3 to 3 times a week, and move it up to 30 minutes daily.

  • When swimming, try not to twist your center and be mindful of your energy limits. Don't push yourself if you get exhausted. Make sure to consult your doctor and trainer. One can try swimming 3 to 5 times a week for 20-30 minutes. 

Exercise and a combination of gentle prenatal yoga asanas, as discussed in our previous blog, can keep expecting mothers fit and active in their pregnancy journey. 


The first few months of pregnancy can be stressful and challenging for moms. Therefore, make sure you have a balanced, healthy diet, get enough sleep, exercise frequently, avoid negative thoughts, avoid panic attacks, and never read any upsetting stories about getting pregnant or giving birth.

In Conclusion,

Wellness Coaches Online also provides plans on nutrition and exercise routines for pregnant women to follow to help them find the right balance for their mental, emotional, and mental well-being. We hope this blog will help you in this beautiful journey.


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