Fed up with procrastination? Find your overwhelm trigger points

Navigating overwhelming situations often plunges us into a state of paralysis, a freeze mode that stalls progress and triggers self-doubt. However, understanding and addressing this freeze state is key to reclaiming productivity and well-being.

Holistic psychologists offer invaluable insights into this phenomenon. They normalise the experience, reassuring individuals that being in a freeze state doesn't equate to laziness. It's a natural response to excessive stressors, causing procrastination as a survival mechanism.

“`Our freeze state is our body’s natural response to excessive stressors, which causes procrastination”

Coaches specialising in this area often guide individuals in charting a path forward. They emphasise taking gradual steps, breaking down tasks to manageable chunks to alleviate overwhelm. The focus is on planning a clear, stress-free route—one step at a time.

Auditing your to-dos and environment

A pivotal strategy involves auditing to-do lists. Prioritising tasks based on their potential impact helps discard non-essential ones, decluttering mental space. This process minimises overwhelm by streamlining efforts toward tasks that truly matter.

Yet, overwhelm isn't solely about tasks; it's also rooted in environments. A cluttered, chaotic space contributes to an overwhelmed nervous system, perpetuating the freeze state. Simplifying the environment, starting perhaps with a clean room, can remarkably ease the burden. Addressing this seemingly trivial issue can catalyse a chain reaction of positive change.

“A clean and ordered space helps us to stay focused and to calm our nervous system”

Procrastination often stems from dependencies within our environment. Identifying and gradually eliminating these dependencies—one by one—can liberate us from the freeze state. It's often the simplest solutions that hold the power to dismantle overwhelming situations.

No, you are not lazy. 

Understanding that overwhelm isn't a personal failure but a response to multifaceted stressors is liberating. It encourages a shift in focus from self-blame to self-care and problem-solving. It's about acknowledging that overwhelm is a natural response, but it doesn't have to be a permanent state.

Empowerment lies in recognising that overcoming overwhelm is a journey, not an overnight fix. It involves recalibrating perspectives, developing strategies, and fostering environments conducive to productivity.

As we absorb the wisdom shared by holistic psychologists and coaches, we grasp the importance of pacing ourselves, auditing our environments, and simplifying our tasks. These small yet impactful changes can break the grip of overwhelm, leading us towards a more balanced, productive and fulfilling life.

Looking to work with a certified coach?

If you feel overwhelmed and would like support with creating new structures in your life, contact Sabin `Lakhani for a free consultation.

Find her offerings here.


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